Saturday, June 1, 2019

Avoid micro managing...

Some leaders like do micro managing and it badly impact the success or failure of the project. Managing the project as per your role and responsibilities is also smartness and big task. How to handle team and till which level you should involve yourself as a leader is very much important. 

Few signs suggests that you are doing micromanaging. For instance, when everything is passing from you, all tasks are reviewed and approved by you, you are asking each and every small amount of details to your team, you are checking all activities before they pass to client etc. If you are doing these stuffs at your workplace with your team then certainly you are one of the micro managers who are not trusting the team and want to keep everything with you.

Give them space

Team members want space to work according to their skill and ability. They want to use their best ideas to perform the task, every time it’s not require that they have to explain to you first how they are going to attend the task. This simply demotivate the confidence of them and discourage from their ability. Let them do their task as they think after assigning to them.

Try to build trust

Construct the bridge of trust between you and team, that can be huge plus point to inspire team to use their time efficiently with better outcome. If you believe on their potential then they will automatically give you their best. Don’t try to interrogate on each point rather then leave on them that how they will achieve.

Delegate the responsibility

Sometimes it is better to pass some tasks to the team as per their capacity. Try to distribute tasks as per their skill and knowledge so they can enjoy their task rather than feel bore. If they will get task in which they are best and as per their choice then they will completely do it with fullest energy without looking here and there. Try to develop healthy skilled team with feeding them required inputs at right time.

Everyone has their own ability

Every time don’t expect output as per your standard and rules. Don’t think that if you do the task then it can be completed in less time with good practice of methods. Every human has their own set of rules and efficiency, hence trust on it and accept it in some other way as well.

Focus on your responsibilities

Try to focus on your task list which are made for you. Don’t waste time in asking and checking each and every things from team. You can try to define your level and improve your knowledge in this much amount of time of micro managing.

To summarize, it should relationship of transparency and trust between leader and team then eventually project get success. Don’t make it spoil with so much queries and unhealthy managing. Try to paint it with color of belief to look it beautiful and strong for longer time.