Sunday, March 13, 2016

Project Meeting

Generally speaking, Project meeting is very important factor in Project. Sometimes, team members feels it time wasting and bore, but as a Project Manager it’s necessary to held meeting at regular interval to keep project momentum continue in whole team. Meeting can be Scheduled meeting, Ad hoc meeting or meeting with top management for project status.

Before any meeting, it’s very important to make agenda for it to manage time and interest of all attendees. If possible, try to distribute meeting agenda between all attendees, so all members can keep their points ready to present. Meeting should always start on time and end on time. Long meeting can loss the concentration of attendees and make it bore. Try to note down all the points during meeting, if possible any scribe can be appointed for it. Focus on main points of meeting, means manage to loss the main way so within limited time meeting can cover maximum points. Make Minutes of meeting after completion of meeting and distribute to all to keep them updated.

Scheduled meeting can be held at regular interval by Project Manager with team members to get the knowledge about any issue they have or discussion on flow of project. This regular meeting can keep in touch all team members with each other and project manager can have an idea about any hidden problem with the members.

Ad hoc meeting can be called by project manager if any issue arise suddenly and it’s require to focus concentration at high priority. In this meeting, Project manager can invite those team members who are working on that issue or related with that issue. Explain main points of issue during meeting and give your opinions about it. Try to get their opinions also to make it resolve if possible.

Project status meeting with top management is necessary to keep upper management updated about project status. Try to explain your point of view for the current project status and how you are trying to achieve the next milestone of the project. They can also have some query regarding the project so it can be cleared by project manager during this meeting.

To sum up, Project meeting is very important as per perspective of the project and keep updated to all team members about the project. Also all the members can have a chance to interact with each other. Junior team members can also get chance to present their view so they can feel that their voice have also some value and it is heard by management. So, in the short project meeting can keep all the team members updated about project status, make their communication skill better, hidden issue can be resolved and finally, these all points together act main role to make project success.

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