Saturday, June 11, 2016

Effectively manage the team

Generally speaking, to manage team in effective manner is one of the most important factor for successful completion of the project. Team can be a small or large in N number of size but to handle it throughout the project is requiring very handy skill to manage the project as a Project Manager.

When any project starts, some team member can be new for manager and some team member can be already worked with him. As a Project manager, it can be difficult sometime to work with new team members but with good management, project manager has to quickly build trust between all team members to make project on the track. It is necessary to keep transparency so team can feel comfortable and also they can share their views with project manager.

Project Manager needs to listen the each team member and give them chance to share their view and ideas. Always be stand with them in their adverse situations to keep their faith and confidence positive. Project manager needs to do meeting with team at regular intervals to keep whole team align and be on same page.

Project manager has to deal with deadline and follow the strict time line, so it can be always possibility that he has to force their team members to achieve tasks on time and work in tight schedule. Project manager should go with as much as flexible approach to maintain project as well as positivity of team members to achieve their tasks in time. Project manager has to build up trust in each team members so they can believe in themselves to make project successful.

Communication is very important aspect to build bridge between project manager and team. Project manager has to explain his goal and expectations from team in very precise way so whole team can understand and follow it. Project manager can explain each team member about their limitations and strength to improve in future. Project manager can review performance of the each team member at regular interval to give them chance to know about their weak and strong points.

Project manager has to keep their eye on goal and make their team members on unite level to achieve that target. At the end, Project success is belongs to the whole team that makes whole team happy and give positive confidence for future.

To sum up, Team management is very primary concern in Project management to make any project successful. Project manager and team has to keep themselves align with each other and understand each other’s point of views to shoot the target on time.

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