Sunday, May 26, 2019

Appreciation always works.....

Generally speaking, appreciation plays vital role in human’s life, whether it is related to education, career or any other small achievement. When anyone get appreciated for his task or hard work then he or she will energized and try to do next activity with more energy and enthusiasm. Here, we are going to throw light on appreciate employee for any small milestone they achieve on right time by right way.

To begin with, Project Manager always expect more and more from his team and criticize the team for their any minor mistakes. However, Project Manager never say few good words to team members when they complete task on time. It is also significant that you see both sides of the scenario. Secondly, team members are always be in pressure to get done task within timeline though any delay from client side inputs. Management just view from their earning and client perspective that anyhow task should be delivered. Yes, it is indeed true that client is essential but at the same side if you look then team member is also important. Thirdly, there is social life of team members as well, they are not resource and machine. They have also their own personal life, hence management have to think from that point of view too. Finally, it is fact that without good resources there is no deliverable on time and eventually there is no project on time. Therefore, it is fundamentally requirement that any company has to maintain good and smart resources.

Aforementioned facts leads to one of the very inevitable path that management has to appreciate and reward employee’s milestone with proper recognition, thus they can also feel their value among team. They feel themselves proud on their good job and ultimately that motivate them to do next task with more power. On the other hand, if any employee get appreciation then other his team members also get inspired to do their task with more courage.

Appreciation is not always bigger in size but any small reward can do this magic in very powerful way. Management has to understand its value and importance to retain their employees and give them inspiration to achieve future milestones with more innovative way. It can also increase knowhow of employees when their technical skill is appreciated so that can encourage them to learn new and new things in the future. Sometimes on some festivals or on any special occasions management can grasp this chance to reward their employees as per their outcomes and performance then it can work like magic to fill energy in the employee’s career.

To sum up, employees are the asset of the company, hence management has to appreciate or reward them at right time for any small amount of fulfillment. Really, it will work as a recharge for them and finally company will get benefit from it.

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