Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Be a Time Efficient...

Time efficiency plays crucial role in our day to day life. A day, planned in advance can save your time and complete tasks within time limit and a day, unplanned can make your day longer without completing tasks on time. Minor alertness can be proved vital in major activity. There are few points to follow to make yourself align with time and use time wisely.

First and foremost point is planning. Always plan your day in advance. You can spare 10 to 15 minutes in morning to make timetable in mind or in any notepad for all tasks of a day. You can schedule tasks as per priority and try to follow it. On your workplace also you can follow the same process. Make a list of all the tasks for a day and try to allocate time for it. This small amount of planning time in beginning can align and use your remaining huge amount of time wisely.

Secondly, the important thing is punctuality. Try to be punctual always on your work or anywhere, that can complete your task on time and you can start other task on time. If you start first task delay then obviously your following task will be delayed and eventually your full day activities will be delayed. Ultimately, you will be free from your workplace late and you will not spare adequate amount of time for your social or relaxing stuff.

Other area to pay attention is to focus on your task rather then try to lookout here and there. Always concentrate on your activity and do it from your heart and mind. Use each moment of the life very carefully and don’t waste it just in gossips and other useless tasks. Give your best and achieve your best, make it life’s rule.

Furthermore, try to tide yourself in some time limit means always keep deadline for your task. Keep your eyes on goal and run with time to finish it. If you don’t make timeline for you then I think you can not complete more tasks in less time rather then you will waste more time in small amount of task.

Some other secondary areas you can work like keep your surroundings clean. Maintain cleanliness around your desk and each items which you are using in day to day life. That will give you pleasant environment to work.  Take break for sometime in between your task to make yourself relax and stress free. It will re-energize you and you can work with more energy further.

All in all, time flows like river and it can not be reverted back, thus we have to use it intelligently otherwise it just pass casually not fruitfully. Time is more important then money because if you use time properly then money will value you and your ability. Seen in this light, always keep yourself time efficient and understand the value of each moment.

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