Sunday, January 31, 2016

Project Management in Non-profit Organisation

Project management in non-profit organisation is very challenging task. As a Project manager in profit organisation, you will get all the facilities as per required to the project like fund, resources, Project management tools etc. If we talk about project in non-profit organisation, they have to rely on donations for fund, volunteers as a resources then any expert level resources for that project specific so project management is very crucial here.

Non-profit organisation can be think project like activity as they want to keep it continue forever. Suppose they start project to educate poor children then they want to keep it continue in certain period of intervals.

But, compare to project in profit organisation, in non-profit organisation they also want best plan to execute the project. Here also they need specific goal to achieve it. They have to manage scope and cost with limited talent. They have to also identify risk during the project execution and may be plan can be changed to adjust changes arise while project is under progress.

But in contrary to profit organisation, non-profit organisation can face difficulties in recruiting talents for the Project. They have to keep their feet high in scale as profit organisation. Infrastructure also can be an issue due to limited funding. Also Project manager get limited numbers of technologies and technical staffs. Stakeholder management is very critical part here, because non-profit organisations has to deal with government sectors, private agencies and other communities too. Donors, volunteers, communities can be all from different diversities or criteria so to handle them in a project is very significant part.

To summarize, Project management in non-profit organisation is somewhat difficult and challenging task then in profit organisation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Happy Republic Day

Hamari bahadur army ko sat-sat Pranam!!
Salute to our great soldiers!!

Profit and Non-Profit organisation

Significant  difference between for-profit and non-profit (not for profit) organisation has as its name suggests that “for-profit” organisation make money for their owners, employees and “non-profit” organisation re-invest profit again into the organisation to fulfill human need for water, shelter, food etc. Profit organisation has invest money in share or any other way to generate more profit, on the other hand non-profit organisation has to invest in such a way that they can increase their profit.

As similar to profit organisation, Non-profit organisation has to also pay their staff salary, electricity bill, rent etc. so they have to also generate profit. They rely on their donors for their donation, while profit organisation rely on their suppliers for their funding.

Non-profit and profit both organisations face competition in their own way. Profit organisation has to always compete with that same type of other business organisations to keep alive themselves in market, while non-profit organisations has to compete also for their donation, product sales, donors, members etc.

Non-profit organisation can give tax benefit to their donors and also they itself can register for tax exemption under Income Tax act. Profit organisations has to pay their tax as per their organisation, partnership and proprietorship.

Profit organisation pay salary to their staff, on the contrary non-profit organisation more rely on volunteers then paid staff. Non-profit organisation also pay good salary to their staff but may be appraisal and rewards are not same as profit organisation.

To sum up, profit and non-profit organisation both earn profit but the covering that profit is different in each. Profit organisation distribute profit in their shareholders, owners etc, while non-profit organisation not distribute their profit but re-invest again to make more profit for environmental or human need.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Performance Review of Employee

As a Project Manager, Head or any Executive, there is a time always when they have to do performance evaluation of employees, whether it is for appraisal or just for performance review. Some seniors think it as a very painful and difficult task to do, because the positive and valuable feedback can use to achieve objectives of organisation and lead to improve employee performance, on the other hand negative feedback can downgrade the goal of employee and minimize the passion so it can affect finally to the organisation.

Some Project Managers depends upon their memory power to write review of employee. Once when time comes to write review, they remember history of work for that employee and give feedback. It’s not proper way to record review and handle appraisal or performance evaluation of employees. Rather than organisation can use files or any programs to handle review process by maintaining their log files and use it during review.

Regular evaluation process can be very meaningful and better way to manage it systematically. At regular interval, organisation can do review of employees and use this at the end to manage appraisal that can be a one of the good technique.

Project Manager can describe employee’s performance problem and express their way to minimize it or suggest any alternative way to employee, so it can be positive impact on them. Don’t use any negative phrases to write review, better to explain them in corrective or positive way with clear language terminology.

Main points to judge, that can help to review of employee:

1)      Attitude and behavior
2)      Quick learner or new technology adapt skill
3)      Task finishing technique
4)       Communication way
5)       Self-Responsible
6)       Time punctuality

Organisation can ask questions to employee also at the time of the review. Here, these answers can be very useful to judge their mind and know hidden talent inside them.

Organisation can ask these types of questions to employee. Few of them can be:

1)      What is your goal of career?
2)      What do you want to do as per your skill?
3)      How you need to grow yourself?
4)      What organisation can do for you to achieve your goal?
5)      What is your strength?
6)      Are you happy with the way as your career is going on?
7)      What you make happy to work?
8)       Have you any like/dislike about projects given to you?

Project Manager can explain employee about how they did in whole year? What should be avoided and what he should continue or improve to achieve the target of their career.

To summarize, to review of employee for their performance evaluation or for appraisal process is very manageable and responsive task to do. Organisation should handle it very systematically and in proper manner to keep positive attitude in employee and also it can be useful to maintain organisation’s employee spirit and passion towards the work.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hire good Project Manager

Good Project Manager is the key for the any Project. Project Manager is the bridge between the Project and the Project team. Project Manager is the person who keeps the alignment between time schedule and resources to finish the Project on time. Project Manager is the link between Project team and the stack holders.

To hire a good Project Manager is the tough task for any organisation. Organisation have to look soft skills like communication, personality etc and hard skills like how to handle technical matter and others in good Project Manager. Here are the few key points to hire good Project Manager.

1) Strong Leadership: Good Project Manager must be a strong team leader. Project Manager should lead the team by skills and personality. Project Manager should have ability to take right decision in difficult time for team or Project to set example for team. Project Manager can evaluate strength and weakness of the team members. Organisation can ask questions for past projects in which how they made decisions and how they had managed situation in some difficult time in Project.

2) Planning: Good project Manager should have ability to prepare good plan for Project. Project Manager follow the plan or update the plan if necessary in Project life cycle. Organisation can ask question like how they planned projects in previous organisations. How they start the new project? Organisation can know Project planning knowledge and planning methods of them while they answer this question. Also need to know how they manage the quality of the Project. Which types of steps they take to maintain the quality of the task.

3) Technical skills: Project Manager should possess basic knowledge of general technical aspects and analytical skills for the particular field in which they are. This knowledge can help them to take proper decision, time estimation and Project evaluation.

4) Passion and Spirit: Good Project Manager are always passionate about their work. They always find a way in any situation and handle it carefully. If any Project Manager is complaining about their past company or Project then they cannot be right candidate for you. If they explain their project management strength and said that due to some team member or any senior person I was not able to achieve that target then it can be possible. Organisation can at least identify their passion, spirit and dedication towards the work.

5) Certification: Certification cannot give you guarantee that Project will complete on time always. So many good Project Managers are there who have not certificate but due to experience in management they can give better result. So, it’s not always necessary to have a certificate but skills that matter to manage the project.

To sum up, to hire Good Project Manager for any organisation is very difficult task. Organisation can ask questions about leadership, planning, resource and risk management, decision making skills etc.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Project Management Process Groups

There are five Project management process groups in Project. They all interact with each other as per requirement. Its order may vary as per Project or Organisation.

Project management processes are connected by inputs/outputs. Output of the one process may be input for the other process. Process groups are not project management life cycle phases. Process groups may be processed during phases like requirements, planning, design etc.

Classic Project management process groups are: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and controlling, and Closing.


"The Initiating Process Group consists of those processes performed to define a new project or a phase of an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase." – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

To begin work, approval and project definition required. That’s the goal of this group. Initial scope of work is defined and Project charter needs to be made here. Project manager is also assigned to the Project.  High level requirement is also prepared and define constraints and assumptions.
Large project is divided in the phases. Scope, cost to be decided and risk to be identified.

Here, the main goal is to prepare project charter. Success criteria is low and risk factors are high at initial level.


"The Planning Process Group consists of those processes required to establish the scope of the project, refine the objectives and define the course of action required to attain the objectives that the project was undertaken to achieve." – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

Planning is the never ending process that take place in the project. This includes project management plan and other plans like scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk, staff etc. WBS is created from the Project requirement.

Here, the main goal is to prepare Project management plan.


"The Executing Process Group consists of those processes performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project specifications." – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

During execution, project management plan may require updates or replanning. It includes hold meeting, manage and develop Project team, manage stakeholder expectation. Project Manager can use good tools for project management, quality management, cost management etc.
Here, the main goal is to Direct and manage project work.

Monitoring and Controlling:

 "The Monitoring and Controlling Process Group. Those processes required to track, review and regulate the progress and performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and initiate the corresponding changes." –A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

It evaluate the project performance and take care of change requests, defects and how to prevent against them. It includes to control scope, time, cost, changes, risks etc. It measure the performance criteria of the project. Project manager can use good Performance measurement tools, cost and plan management techniques.

Here, the main goal is to Monitor and control work and perform integrated change control.


"The Closing Process Group consists of those processes performed to finalize all activities across all the Process Groups to formally close the project or phase." – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)

It includes to close all activities of the project, obtain acceptance confirmation from customer, team assessment, documents all lesson learned, final product verification and performance verification, make all project document archives.

If project was successful then as a Project manager, the final step is the Celebration for your project management and team efforts.

Work Performance Data and Work Performance Information

During Project execution, various types of data and information is collected in different formats that provided to Project team or stake holders for use. While Project executing various types of Project data are collected as a different project execution process. These data are distributed to team in controlling process for their use. Data can be shared to team verbally or by any other way to analyse it. Data and information can be used interchangeably in practice.

Data and Information are the terms which often used in computing science. Data is used by devices and Information is used by Human to process further.
Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. Data can be something simple and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.
When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.
Work Performance Data
The raw observations and measurements identified during activities performed to carry out the project work. Examples include reported percent of work physically completed, quality and technical performance measures, start and finish dates of scheduled activities, number of change requests, number of defects, actual costs, actual durations etc. ---  PMBOK Guide 5th Edition
Work performance data is the output of “Direct and Manage control Work” and input to “Monitoring and Controlling” process during Project Integration Management in PMBOK.
Work Performance Information
The performance data collected from various controlling processes, analyzed in context and integrated based on relationships across areas. Examples  of performance information are status of deliverables, implementation status of change requests, and forecasted estimates to complete. ---  PMBOK Guide 5th Edition
Work performance information is the output of “Monitor and Controlling” process and input to “Monitoring and Controlling” project work during Project Integration Management in PMBOK.
To sum up, Work performance data is raw materials in unorganised manner, in the other hand Work performance information is organised and used to take decision.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Management Quotes

Various Project Management Gurus taught us by their quotes which we can use to teach us and inspire us to become a good Project Manager.

Here are few Project Management quotes to get wisdom and encouragement:
If it is not documented, it doesn’t exist. As long as information is retained in someone’s head, it is vulnerable to loss. – Louis Fried, 1992.
Get the right people. Then no matter what else you may do wrong after that, the people will save you. That’s what management is all about. – Tom DeMarco, 1997.
A Project is like love; it has clear intentions at the beginning, but it can get complicated. – Gerry Geek
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement. – Fred Brooks.
Rewards and motivation are an oil change for project engines. Do it regularly and often. – Woody Williams
No major project is ever installed on time, within budget, with the same staff that started it. – Edwards, Butler, Hill & Russell
Running a project without a WBS is like going to a strange land without a roadmap. – J. Phillips
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. – Herman Cain
All the flowers of all of the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. – Chinese Proverb

It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly. – Peter Turla

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Avoid Project Management failure

Organisations do two types of work: Project and Operation. Project has to complete within certain time interval as it has start and end date. Many organisations fail to complete project on time and it over budget or over run by its definite scope.

Project Management can be fail due to some reasons:
Not clear vision about Project
Project can be failed due to lack of vision about Project. It has not proper plan and scope to be defined. Poor requirement and gathering techniques can be the reason also for impure vision of Project. Sometime poor requirement make development worst and it always rework and retest for team. Why there is poor requirement? May be unrealistic schedule or requirement gathering techniques can be wrong.
Sometime Executive persons approach to complete some deliverable with in less duration for fast execution. To achieve success of Project it is necessary to have a realistic schedule of Project. It can be easily maintainable if Project gets proper schedule to develop.
Always make good documentation for each project to maintain its all features and things for future purpose. Ask for more time if necessary to achieve what you want for success of Project.
Business Analyst person gather the requirements for the Project. It is very important to have a good requirement gathering techniques for clear vision of each feature in Project. If you want to develop some module and you are gathering requirements for it then you should have detail idea about fields, validations or any processes related to it.
In Project, Executive, Project Manager and team members all are should be involved properly to make it success. Sometime Executive not involved themselves in the Project after initial level and at the end they again involve in it. Executive support is required in each step to the Project for fulfil the need. Project Manager is the key person in any Project to make dream in to the reality. Lack of knowledge of Project Manager or inexperienced Project Manager cannot vision clear of scope. Team Members are key attributes in any Project. They are makers of it, so if they cannot vision beyond the requirement then Project failure chances are more.

Communication gap is the also one of the key point in failure of Project. Sometime all team members are not aligned on the same page about the Project. They are lacking in details of the project. All the communication details should be maintained at one place to access by all team members. If any new member joins the team then he/she can easily know about the project by accessing the just one source means centralized source.

Lack of resources, Skill set
Resources are the main aspects in Project Management. First of Project should be assigned with proper resources as per scope, time and budget. If any Project needs to be completed within some specific amount of time then it require that types of resources also. Sometime management said that you start with two resources and we will assign you more resources later on, but that ‘later on’ never comes. Each project want resources of required skill set to achieve the task on time. It can be mixed of experienced and ‘young blood’ to make strong team. If resource is not capable to achieve assigned task on time then Project never come up on schedule. Each task should be assigned to suitable person to that type of task to achieve it in time.

Scope creep
Scope creep is the also culprit in failure of Project. Scope creep is the additional features that add during development time by client. Client suggest some feature that can we include this also here? This type of requirements of client are increased during development and demo of some modules. So manage it within estimated schedule it is difficult to complete Project on time.

To Sum up, Project failure can be avoided by some precautions taken during Project Management. By executive leadership in some scenario, good Project Management, Proper resource allocation are the key points to avoid it. It is no guarantee that you have lots of Project management certifications means Project will not fail and success will come automatically to you. There is no magic to achieve success of Project without hard work and proper management.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Motivate Team members

Project Manager has to keep team members motivated always and it is main aspect behind success of any project. There is a lack of top management support and conflicts between team members are the main reasons to motivate the team members.

"When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute." Simon Sinek

Happy team member contribute at its best to the project. If person is not happy then it will be reflected to the result. When any person joins company, he wants work as per his skill. If he not get task as per his skill then he can be demotivated. As a company we have to maintain his enthusiasm and passion by giving him task to challenge him.
Happy employee can maintain better relationship in team and it will be high productivity too. To maintain relations between team is the difficult task for Project Manager. Always maintain all team members on the same page is the key responsibility of Project Manager. Project is most of work as a “We” not as a “Me”.

Project Manager should do :

Keep clear and specific expectation:
Always explain team members about your expectations and vision. Each employee should get proper task with clear understandings. He should get task with defined time period with expected target. It is best to announce any incentives criteria in advance to encourage them if possible. Also it’s necessary that assign task to any person as per his skill set and experience, so he can deliver you best to you. If you assign them task beyond his limit then he can be discouraged.

Maintain positive environment in team:
Always maintain positive atmosphere in team by guide them in a proper way and motivate them when necessary. Try to keep them all in same page for goal and believe them in it. Don’t talk with them negatively, always try to keep them positive about goal of project. Be a positive example against them with good behavior.

Project Manager should try to maintain communication channel in team. He has to discuss with them regarding goal of project, deadline or any other issue of project. Any issue can be resolved by discuss with any team member personally to feel them relax. Sometimes talk with them like friend will make them more open with you to discuss. Always encourage them by open discussion. Give chance to speak them and always listen them to know about their needs.

Appreciate their work:
All person like their appreciation and importance given to them. As a Project Manager, you should appreciate team members when he completes task before time period or with zero bug or sometimes he sit late to fix issues. Project Manager should announce it publicly to appreciate it and reward it whenever necessary. Small reward can give value to team member and person is motivated to do much better. If you want to criticise him then do it in privately. Try to do outer lunch with them for refreshment.

Maintain their needs for the Project:
Provide them better environment and tools to work. Like better Project management tool, good communication tool with any other required department. So it can help them to speed up the task.

Give them Leadership:
Give everyone a chance to be a leader to feel them like a leader. Give them responsibility and trust on them. As per their strength, Project Manager should assign role to each team member so they can also learn to take responsibility.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Project Life Cycles

There are main three life cycles classified by PMI in fifth edition of the PMBOK Guide ®
1) Predictive
 2) Iterative  and
 3) Adaptive

It is better known as “Waterfall” methodology or we can say it “Plan Driven” approach. In this method scope, time, cost of the required deliverable scope are defined in early stage of the Project. After that to achieve deliverable, Project flows in series of phases whether it is Sequential or Overlapping. Each phase has different type of task so skill set and project team may vary as per the phase. Waterfall model usually presented as following phases:
  1. Analysis
  2.  Requirements
  3.  Design
  4.  Construction
  5.  Testing
  6.  Deployment
  7.  Maintenance

Each phase is completed before next phase start. If requirement does not change often then this model suit it fine. It normally best fit to organisation which have large number of junior developers.

To develop the Product, in this cycle project phases are intentionally repeated to achieve objective. Product development flows in the series of iteration of the phases. Product development grows as per iteration repetition. Each phase builds on deliverable of previous phase. System builds gradually through the incrementally repetition of phases. So, as per the system flows we can add new features and changes easily contrary to Predictive cycle. We can arrange lesson learn of each phase and improve the next phase as per the lesson learn.
Iteration 0
Iteration 1
Repeat as needed
Iteration n
Project Plan
Develop and Test
Develop and Test
Develop, Test and Release

It is better known as “Agile” or “Change Driven” methodology. This method introduced to make development in different stages. It is same as Iterative or Incremental but the difference is that here iteration is small in weeks rather than in months. New changes can be accommodated easily and risks can be easily manageable.
Here, the scope of the Project is broken down in to the small chunks are known as “Product Backlog”. After finishing each iteration, customer review it to ensure that it is finished or not. Customer or Sponsor are continuously engaged to ensure deliverable. Customer no accept the incomplete or defective features.

We can prefer this cycle for Rapid application development environment, where requirement is not clear at initial level. The best example of this method is “Scrum”.

Developers and business people are closely related with each other. Customer is satisfied by fast delivery and Deliverable can be frequently deliver to customer.

It can be best fit to organisation which have large number of senior developers and small number of junior developers.

Above Iteration is repeated till the Product development.

Project Manager, Project Coordinator and Project Expediter

Organisation structure acts lead role to decide leadership for the Project. Some organisation take just part time or temporary Project Manager for the Project. Here, Project Manager just coordinating or expediting the Project tasks.

In Matrix organisation, mean Weak, balanced and strong there are different types of roles assignment for the Project. It decides how to manage resources, how to take decisions for project and other Project elements.
In Weak matrix organisation like functional organisation there is no authority to Project Manager. Here, Project Manager works like a Project Expediter or Project Coordinator.
In Balanced matrix organisation, there is some authority to PM. PM has some power to take decisions for the Project.
In Strong matrix organisation like Projectized organisation, Project Manager has full authority to the Project.

Project Expediter and Project Coordinator plays most of administrative roles to the Project. They both track the Project tasks and monitor the activity of the Project. They maintain the communication with the team and also play the role to make a Project Plan.

Project Expediter: project Expediter has no authority to take decisions. He just play role like staff person. He report to the Leader for any progress or query.

Project Coordinator: Project Coordinator has limited authority to take decisions. He works under the Project Manager. He report to the Project Manager and leads the team if required. He perform the tasks as given by the PM.

Project Management with Organisational Influences

In Organisation, Project Management is very well influenced by different types of Organisation Structures. The effect can be good or bad means positive or it can be negative.

Main three basic different types of Organisation structures:

1)      Functional
2)      Matrix
a.       Weak
b.      Balanced
c.       Strong

3)     Projectized

Functional: Organisation where Resources reports to their line manager or their manager and where Project Manager has little authority to the Project.
Matrix: Organisation where Project Manager has little or more authority to the Project. He share the authority with line manager or other senior Manager for scope, time, cost or any other Project elements.
Projectized: Organisation where Project Manager has full authority to the Project of Scope, time, cost or any other Project elements.
Composite: Organisation where combination of these structures are used.
1)        Functional: In this, Project Manager has little authority for the Project. All the resources reports to the Line Manager. Here, Project Manager can be just Project Expediter. Project Manager is not responsible for any performance review or other elements of the Project.
·         Performance reviews of resources and promotions are Line Manager’s responsibilities.
·         Project Manager has little or no authority. PM is just like for part time. So no career path for PM.
·         Employees has direct reporting to the Manager.
·         Employees can be gain more expertise.

2)      Matrix: In 1970 it is developed to take benefits of both Functional and Projectized. PMI defined three types of Matrixed Organisations are there: Weak, Balanced and Strong.
Ø  Weak Matrix: Here, Project resources are directly report to the Functional Manager. It’s almost same like Functional Organisation. PM’s role is like a Project Expediter or Coordinator.
Ø  Balanced Matrix: Here, Project Manager has some authority. PM share the authority with Functional Manager for Project. PM not get full authority for Project budget or other elements.
Ø  Strong: Here, same features like Projectized structure. Project Manager has full authority of Project for scope, time, cost and other elements.

·       Project objectives can be more in depth.
·       Multiple performance reviews can be there for resources.
·       Multiple bosses to manage.

3)      Projectized: Project Manager has full authority of the Project for scope, time, resources, cost or any other elements. Organisation which are mostly depends upon the Projects for earning are fall in this type. Each resource is totally focused on Project, resources are dedicated to the Project.
·         Project can be efficiently managed.
·         Project resources are effectively communicated with each other.
·         Project Manager Job can be gone once a Project is closed.

Composite: Any of the three methods are used together Organisation to manage a Project. Project Manager interacts at project’s three levels Strategic, Middle and Operational level management. After this interaction resource availability, PM’s role, authority, Project’s scope etc. decided.

What is your Organisation Structure?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Effectively manage project status meeting with client

As a Project Manager, it’s very important and key aspect that is project status meeting with client.
It’s a time to gain client’s trust and keep their interest in project with the effective presentation of healthy project status. Client can know the progress of the Project and maintain their mind positive for the output.
Some tips we can follow to accomplish it successfully as follows:

1.      Proper Project meeting plan
Always it’s handy to make a Project meeting plan before the meeting with client. Project Plan can include:
1.      Meeting Agenda
2.      Meeting’s time schedule
3.      Actual requirements for meeting

2.      Review the Project modules
Good project manager arrange a meeting with team before client meeting. Discuss with team members for each task and glance through the progress of tasks so no any surprise come during meeting with client. If different project modules are handling by different project member then its very important to integrate the code properly and test it before meeting.
3.      Prepare meeting agenda
Project manager make clear and precise meeting agenda for meeting.
Make a bullet point wise agenda to progress meeting point to point. That will help you to drive your meeting on proper road map with accurate time schedule.
4.      Time management

Key point of the meeting is sharp time. Always start meeting on right time. Try to complete meeting with in some limited time. Long meeting can make client bore and gradually decrease the interest in discussion. Better to arrange separate session for different type of meeting agenda.

5.      Always be on the track

Good project manager always try to keep himself or the client on the track. Don’t loss the focus from meeting agenda. Keep some pictorial presentation to wrap up some complex points on time. Try to explain client about main key points of the project.
Some client can share other story also in meeting. You cannot cut the client in between the talk but at least try to keep them on the track.

6.      Make note of important suggestions

Make a note for important suggestions and any required feedback of client. Its very necessary to note down each point of meeting so after meeting you can review it whole team. If possible, record the meeting with any recording tool you have available. It will be very helpful to listen it if any point missed during meeting.

7.      Clear and perfect answers
Try to give very clear and proper answer to the client whenever required. Effective communication can impress the client and keep their interest in meeting. Don’t hesitate to say No if anywhere necessary. It will show a decision power of yourself to client. If you say yes to anything initially and then say No then it can confuse the client about your decision ability.

8.      Thanks to client

Finally, at the end of the meeting thanks the client for their time and ask them about if they any doubts to share with us. This will give client a more satisfaction and interest.
Inform the client that you will be always in touch with them. If they have any query anytime they can contact you.

9.      Minutes of Meeting

After the meeting, make “Minutes of meeting” from all those points that you had note down in meeting and email the client for their reference. Try to define due date of each action in MOM to make client confident about next delivery.

10.  Be confident and positive

This is very important in any meeting with client or at any stage in your successful career to be confident and trust on yourself. Always trust on your ability and confidently communicate with anybody. Where ever you are in your life, positive trust and confident nature can carry you towards success.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
--- Theodore Roosevelt