Friday, January 22, 2016

Hire good Project Manager

Good Project Manager is the key for the any Project. Project Manager is the bridge between the Project and the Project team. Project Manager is the person who keeps the alignment between time schedule and resources to finish the Project on time. Project Manager is the link between Project team and the stack holders.

To hire a good Project Manager is the tough task for any organisation. Organisation have to look soft skills like communication, personality etc and hard skills like how to handle technical matter and others in good Project Manager. Here are the few key points to hire good Project Manager.

1) Strong Leadership: Good Project Manager must be a strong team leader. Project Manager should lead the team by skills and personality. Project Manager should have ability to take right decision in difficult time for team or Project to set example for team. Project Manager can evaluate strength and weakness of the team members. Organisation can ask questions for past projects in which how they made decisions and how they had managed situation in some difficult time in Project.

2) Planning: Good project Manager should have ability to prepare good plan for Project. Project Manager follow the plan or update the plan if necessary in Project life cycle. Organisation can ask question like how they planned projects in previous organisations. How they start the new project? Organisation can know Project planning knowledge and planning methods of them while they answer this question. Also need to know how they manage the quality of the Project. Which types of steps they take to maintain the quality of the task.

3) Technical skills: Project Manager should possess basic knowledge of general technical aspects and analytical skills for the particular field in which they are. This knowledge can help them to take proper decision, time estimation and Project evaluation.

4) Passion and Spirit: Good Project Manager are always passionate about their work. They always find a way in any situation and handle it carefully. If any Project Manager is complaining about their past company or Project then they cannot be right candidate for you. If they explain their project management strength and said that due to some team member or any senior person I was not able to achieve that target then it can be possible. Organisation can at least identify their passion, spirit and dedication towards the work.

5) Certification: Certification cannot give you guarantee that Project will complete on time always. So many good Project Managers are there who have not certificate but due to experience in management they can give better result. So, it’s not always necessary to have a certificate but skills that matter to manage the project.

To sum up, to hire Good Project Manager for any organisation is very difficult task. Organisation can ask questions about leadership, planning, resource and risk management, decision making skills etc.

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