Sunday, January 10, 2016

Project Manager, Project Coordinator and Project Expediter

Organisation structure acts lead role to decide leadership for the Project. Some organisation take just part time or temporary Project Manager for the Project. Here, Project Manager just coordinating or expediting the Project tasks.

In Matrix organisation, mean Weak, balanced and strong there are different types of roles assignment for the Project. It decides how to manage resources, how to take decisions for project and other Project elements.
In Weak matrix organisation like functional organisation there is no authority to Project Manager. Here, Project Manager works like a Project Expediter or Project Coordinator.
In Balanced matrix organisation, there is some authority to PM. PM has some power to take decisions for the Project.
In Strong matrix organisation like Projectized organisation, Project Manager has full authority to the Project.

Project Expediter and Project Coordinator plays most of administrative roles to the Project. They both track the Project tasks and monitor the activity of the Project. They maintain the communication with the team and also play the role to make a Project Plan.

Project Expediter: project Expediter has no authority to take decisions. He just play role like staff person. He report to the Leader for any progress or query.

Project Coordinator: Project Coordinator has limited authority to take decisions. He works under the Project Manager. He report to the Project Manager and leads the team if required. He perform the tasks as given by the PM.

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