Monday, February 29, 2016

Estimation or Guesstimation

Generally speaking, estimation is very important aspect in project life cycle. It’s not important while project planning only, but as a project manager estimation is the process which is performed throughout the project life cycle. New changes or scope creep can revise estimation which was performed earlier, so it’s continuous operation required.

Estimation can be done by Project resources who allocated for it or at the initial level when resources are not decided then any subject matter Expert (SME) can perform the estimation. SME can discuss with Quality Assurance team for it or if necessary brainstorming of other experts to get proper estimation.

Sometimes estimation cannot be done instead of that guesstimation is done due to lack of time, management or process. Estimation require proper time to be in detail but sometimes time is not available to estimate so with the help of any past experience or some detail estimation can be done, that’s called guesstimation. If your luck is fine or God is with you then guesstimation can be accurate otherwise it will lead towards wrong estimated time and project cannot be delivered on time.

In mature organisation, project manager will get standard or template for estimation which organisation follows, same time organisation can provide estimation techniques which they follow or prefer, on the contrary some organisation just follow guesstimation for project and where project run with the risk.

To sum up, proper estimation can give you the accurate vision about time, cost and scope with risk management too, while guesstimation can create extra risks for the project and it will lead project towards the failure.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control

Project has one very important aspect to manage that its quality. Quality should be maintained for developed product otherwise it’s not worth to waste budget for it. Each product require quality and to produce product with quality it’s require Quality assurance and Quality Control. Some understand that its same thing but it’s different, so it’s important to understand the difference between two. Quality assurance is Process oriented, Preventing bugs and Quality control is Product oriented, Identifying bugs.

Quality Assurance:

Quality Assurance is the part of quality management. Quality Assurance process performs before the product development and quality control to ensure quality for the product to be developed. As stated above its related to bugs preventing during development. Quality Assurance team ensures to follow Project management policies, templates or any defined parameters by project manager during project execution. This process not include any coding or development rather than its find out weakness from the process to improve the performance. It make plan to do project process in better way.

Quality Control:

Quality Control process is to identify the bugs in product as its Product oriented. After product development Quality Control process is to find out bugs in the product by reviewing and testing it with any tools to ensure its quality. Quality Control department checks the product against criteria defined by Quality Assurance team with the use of different test cases. Validation checking, software testing are the Quality Control processes. If any defects find during testing they arise them as an issue so again development team can check it.

Both, Quality Assurance and Quality Control departments try to improve quality of the product. Quality assurance persons try to prevent defect before product developed and Quality control persons identify defects after product developed to fix. It require continuous quality control process to find out in depth bugs so it help to improve quality and performance of the product.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Leads and Lags in Project Management

As a Project Manager, you have to understand Leads and Lags concepts to make Project Schedule diagram and also necessary to keep track of activity duration.

Lets understand that:
Generally, Second activity starts when first activity finish, but some time the scenario is different like two activities can be processed parallely. For example, second acitivity can be started after few days of first activity finished. If you want to start editing photographs of Photo session of 4 days schedule then its not necessary to wait till 4 days to finish full session and then start editing, on the other hand photo editing can be started after 1 day of photo session and both activities can be proceed in parallely way.

Lets say activity A duration is 5 days and activity B duration is 3 days. Activity B can be started after 3 days of Activity A is started then 2 days are called Lead here. Its called Finish to Start with 2 days lead, means Activity b can be started after 3 days of activity A finished. Lead can be used only in Finish to start activity relationship.

Lag is when successor activity is delayed that much amount of time due to predecessor activity. Lets say Activity B can be started after 3 days of Activity A finished then 3 days are called Lag in this scenario.

Lets say, after photo shoot session, printing of photo will have to start but before that photo will be sent to customer for proof. So after 10 days of lag we can start the photo printing when we get customer approval.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Analogous and Parametric Estimating Techniques

In Project planning, after finished with define scope, create WBS, Sequence activities, Estimate activity resources and Estimate Activity duration it’s time to Cost Estimation for it.

Estimate is an approximate number for resource, activity, cost etc., while Budget is an approved estimate with addition of reserve.

Cost Estimation Techniques:

Analogous Estimating:
Analogy means similar. Analogous Estimating technique use the historical data of past projects or activity which are similar type of it to estimate current project. In past, if organisation has performed similar type of project then parameters from that project like duration, cost and risk can be consider here to estimate.

This technique is easy and less costly. When less detail of project is available to estimate then project manager can be used this estimating technique. This technique is less accurate and less time consuming. Here, the estimation is as much accurate as much the past project activity is closed to the project.

If in past, organisation has done “Online hotel booking system” project in 3 months then they estimate same project of 3 months as per the past experience.

Parametric Estimating:
Parametric Estimating technique use the historical data or parameters from past project to estimate the project. It depends upon the statistics find out from the parameters and with the use of other variables. It calculates the result from the available parameters and then estimate the current project.

For example, if in past we produce 10 'X' products in a day then how much time it take to produce 1000 same products? So from this equation calculated time is calculated and estimate the project. Here, the estimation is as much accurate as much the calculated result and assumptions are correct. Parametric estimating is more accurate then Analogous Estimating.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Project Management Principles

As per PMI,
Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

In our daily routine we perform project activities normally but we don’t aware about it. Each big task we can think as a project. E.g. one of our family member has a coming marriage in near future. Marriage is a project to accomplish within defined plan, scope, time and cost. We can think each big task as a project and finish it by its principles to make it successful.

Project Management has mainly these Principles:

Integration Management - In Project, different types of things need to be integrated to make one single solution.  

Scope Management – Scope should be maintained throughout the Project execution.

Time Management – Each module delivered on time to maintain the project on time.

Cost Management – Maintain the budget that not go out of planned budget.

Quality Management – Work should be delivered with quality and it should be maintained in whole project flow.

Human Resource Management – Team should be managed in efficient and effective way.

Communication Management – At the right time, right words should be communicated or delivered to recipients.

Risk Management – Identify and manage risk by proper plan to prevent the project from uncertainty.

Procurement Management – Handle the vendors with effective manner.

Stakeholder Management – Try to fulfil customer’s expectations.

The principles we apply to activity in our daily life may be same as above but difference is project has defined start and end date while activity is ongoing process.

Friday, February 19, 2016

DMAIC in Six Sigma

DMAIC is an approach used in SixSigma methodology to improve existing product or process. Other is DMADV is methodology used to apply to new process to achieve six sigma quality standards.

DMAIC is pronounced as a “de-MAY-ik”. It is acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.

Define:                                                                                                                                In this step, team first define the problem and identify the goals. Project charter is the main output of this process. Charter define the scope and objectives of the project. Other aspects are gathering data and finding out from the customers about current process and quality of it.

Here, main aspects are gathering data about process to measure the causes of the problem. Team can find out points to affect the process with the help of this data. Process Map is the key output of this step.

Analyze the root causes of the problem and find out the performance gap between actual and target process. Try to find out the relationship between the causes so minimize the causes. Different types of analysis are used to analyse the causes and the key output is the statistical analysis of this step.

In this step, find out the best possible solution to improve. Gathered data during ‘Measure’ phase and prepared charter is used to solve the causes and narrow down it. Try to make process as same as decided goal by implementing the solution.

Try to sustain this improvement to be taken to maintain in this step. Generate a solution plan with improvements taken for solve and now process will be handover to the customer by Project Manager.

To sum up, DMAIC approach used in the manufacturing industry earlier, but now it is using in Project Management also.  Mainly it is used to make customer delight and align the product or process with quality.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Risk vs Uncertainty

As a Project Manager there is always some risk and uncertainty in the Project. During project planning, Project manager has to take it into account so better contingency plan can be made. While estimating the project, risk is the big factor to take into consideration.

Risk and uncertainty both are future events, both have unknown outcome but the probability distribution is known for risk while unknown for uncertainty.

If we think about dice then before throw we don’t know about its outcome but at least we have a choice that it should be between 1 to 6 only.

One very known quote for this:
“There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don’t know.
                                         --- United States Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld

Project Manager has always difficult situation to estimate the risk, cost for plan and control the risk. There is always uncertainty with any risk, if the risk has no uncertainty then it’s not a risk. If the risk is known at initial level then it can be planned before. I think as much as more uncertainty with risk then less we know about its impact.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Deal with unhappy clients

Project Manager has responsibility to start and end the project in success. Project manager has to deal with different types of peoples during the project. Project Manager has to manage successful channel between client and team to drive project towards success. Project Manager has to take so many decisions during project execution for successful project completion.

In Project, it’s very important sometime to have some appreciation for the work or some milestone achievement. It will encourage you very deeply to get ready for other challenge strongly. But, some client is very unappreciative. They never say any good thing about you or the team despite of so many hard work done by your team for the project and achieve required output. You as a Project manager always try to make them happy but they never come into point or thinking with appreciation way. Some clients use abusive words also and after all the understandings by you still they continue to demand out of scope things and never think about scope anyway.

As a project Manager, don’t take it personal way. Think it’s all your job and you are doing it as a responsibility of project. When you have to deal this type of client, you have to think about client like how this client is doing payment to your company or how much work they are assigning to you? Since how long they are working with you?  Sometimes to maintain unhappy client these all questions needs to be answered to yourself and then you can deal as per situation with them.

First of all I think listen them carefully and try to understand their approach that why they are unhappy or what is issue made them unhappy? Clear your points towards that issue and try to list down their points. As a Project manager, you can apologize for any high issue if it’s not taken care by you. Be polite and calm at that situation and tell them your approach to solve that issue. Try to find out best solution on which you and client both can agree. Try to be always in touch with them regarding issue resolve matter or any other approach require. Be honest and quick in this type of situation to make it resolve and try to avoid it next time.

To sum up, think as a representative of company to manage projects and handle clients, don’t take it personally. You can use all your possible and best ways to manage this type of clients to avoid unnecessary bad situations. You can take other’s opinions also if necessary to handle them or answer them in correct manner.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stress and Project Manager

Being a Project Manager stress will be always your companion in your life. Schedule management, scope management, resource management and with all that your personal life management is also important. Some problem in your family, any serious sickness to family member, conflict in team or other so many reasons are there to handle with project as a project manager. Project deadlines, client feedback, overdue tasks or anything else can lead to stress. Mind cannot take decision at that point of time and think how to manage self in that type of situation? To be a successful manager it is always necessary that you are happy family person also.

Some people have nature that they can handle it in a different way and leave it in office but other people take stress of office to home also. So, personal life disturb and if it continues long time then it can be seriously affect to the person in a various types:

1) Headache
2) Short temper
3) Muscle pain
4) Cardiovascular diseases
5) Suicide

So many other areas are there that can affected by stress. So to manage the stress at right time is very important to stay away some serious injury to health.

As a project manager, if any conflict arise between the team then try to handle it like a leader. If any team member performance going down seriously then you can inform him to discuss with HR regarding that if it’s out of your box. Don’t think always like that it’s all your fault if any issue arise in Project.

Project manager can do some exercise to keep peaceful mind. Better sleep is always necessary in all the case to avoid stress. Take some break in your work to refresh mind at regular interval. Use good project management software to manage your tasks and other required things related to project.
Don’t say always ‘Yes’ to the client, if you think that assigned task cannot be completed within given time-frame then discuss with client and reschedule the timeline. Don’t try always to keep your client happy if it’s not possible anyway.

Try to listen employee more then to react. Keep patience and trust on your employee. Try to encourage them when require. If employee returns from the long leave then performance can be down sometime due to lack of concentration. Accept that type of situation with patience or be ready for some other in project.

Try to keep friendly and peaceful environment in your office and also in your personal life. Be a positive and keep positive people around you to keep negativity away.
Time management is always main aspect for project manager, because it’s not always just 8 hours job but except that its require life balance also. Don’t try to work with tired mind and keep pressure on yourself.

To sum up, Stress can be occur any time in life due to any reason. Illness, death or any serious injury in life can be suddenly occur. Take leave and solve the family issues also to keep your mind happy and peaceful. Work is always necessary but with that personal life balance is always important to avoid stress in life and to live a life happily and peaceful!

First Sharepoint project as a Project Manager

Generally speaking, if you are working as a Project Manager, then achieve the target of the Project and make it successful is always your highest priority goal. As a Project Manager you can get different type of Projects with sometime different types of technologies too. If one Project manager works most of time for one type of technology Projects and get different type of technology Project then he/she has to get some types of basic level knowledge about that technology to help him/her to understand vision about Project better and clear.

As a Project Manager, If you get first Project in Sharepoint and before that you never handled any Sharepoint Project then these tips can be help you.

You are Project Manager and you handled many Projects with typical software lifecycle methodology and you get first Sharepoint Project to manage then you can take your some time to make yourself familiar about it.

First of all you can read some blogs about Sharepoint to get basic idea about it like Paul Culmsee or any other good articles that you can prefer. You can also read some articles about “How Sharepoint Project success” or “Why Sharepoint Projects fail”.

Sharepoint Project require infrastructure setup for its architecture as per the requirement. As a Project Manager you always have a functional documentation to going into the flow of the Project. If you think Project estimation without thinking as a Sharepoint Project and after thinking as a Sharepoint Project is vast difference. Initially you thought some server for your Project and after discussion with expert you got some idea about configuration of server so it may make huge difference to your budget of Project. Your company can show you few Sharepoint Projects which they executed early and brief out you some main lesson learnt from it, so you can keep focus on that. Some Sharepoint technical expert can be with you to help in technical way and led to you towards flow of development.

Compare to other technology Project, Sharepoint Project require expertise in deploy and maintain it on server. It require some support to manage it always on server. You can follow to check for Active directory setup, maintain security, infrastructure setup, networking and backup plan for Sharepoint Project management.

As a Project Manager, I think Agile will be the best methodology that can follow for Sharepoint Project rather than typical waterfall method, because you will not get full requirement vision at the start but in each iteration you will get clear yourself and take Project towards success.