Friday, February 19, 2016

DMAIC in Six Sigma

DMAIC is an approach used in SixSigma methodology to improve existing product or process. Other is DMADV is methodology used to apply to new process to achieve six sigma quality standards.

DMAIC is pronounced as a “de-MAY-ik”. It is acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.

Define:                                                                                                                                In this step, team first define the problem and identify the goals. Project charter is the main output of this process. Charter define the scope and objectives of the project. Other aspects are gathering data and finding out from the customers about current process and quality of it.

Here, main aspects are gathering data about process to measure the causes of the problem. Team can find out points to affect the process with the help of this data. Process Map is the key output of this step.

Analyze the root causes of the problem and find out the performance gap between actual and target process. Try to find out the relationship between the causes so minimize the causes. Different types of analysis are used to analyse the causes and the key output is the statistical analysis of this step.

In this step, find out the best possible solution to improve. Gathered data during ‘Measure’ phase and prepared charter is used to solve the causes and narrow down it. Try to make process as same as decided goal by implementing the solution.

Try to sustain this improvement to be taken to maintain in this step. Generate a solution plan with improvements taken for solve and now process will be handover to the customer by Project Manager.

To sum up, DMAIC approach used in the manufacturing industry earlier, but now it is using in Project Management also.  Mainly it is used to make customer delight and align the product or process with quality.

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