Sunday, February 7, 2016

First Sharepoint project as a Project Manager

Generally speaking, if you are working as a Project Manager, then achieve the target of the Project and make it successful is always your highest priority goal. As a Project Manager you can get different type of Projects with sometime different types of technologies too. If one Project manager works most of time for one type of technology Projects and get different type of technology Project then he/she has to get some types of basic level knowledge about that technology to help him/her to understand vision about Project better and clear.

As a Project Manager, If you get first Project in Sharepoint and before that you never handled any Sharepoint Project then these tips can be help you.

You are Project Manager and you handled many Projects with typical software lifecycle methodology and you get first Sharepoint Project to manage then you can take your some time to make yourself familiar about it.

First of all you can read some blogs about Sharepoint to get basic idea about it like Paul Culmsee or any other good articles that you can prefer. You can also read some articles about “How Sharepoint Project success” or “Why Sharepoint Projects fail”.

Sharepoint Project require infrastructure setup for its architecture as per the requirement. As a Project Manager you always have a functional documentation to going into the flow of the Project. If you think Project estimation without thinking as a Sharepoint Project and after thinking as a Sharepoint Project is vast difference. Initially you thought some server for your Project and after discussion with expert you got some idea about configuration of server so it may make huge difference to your budget of Project. Your company can show you few Sharepoint Projects which they executed early and brief out you some main lesson learnt from it, so you can keep focus on that. Some Sharepoint technical expert can be with you to help in technical way and led to you towards flow of development.

Compare to other technology Project, Sharepoint Project require expertise in deploy and maintain it on server. It require some support to manage it always on server. You can follow to check for Active directory setup, maintain security, infrastructure setup, networking and backup plan for Sharepoint Project management.

As a Project Manager, I think Agile will be the best methodology that can follow for Sharepoint Project rather than typical waterfall method, because you will not get full requirement vision at the start but in each iteration you will get clear yourself and take Project towards success.

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