Friday, February 26, 2016

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control

Project has one very important aspect to manage that its quality. Quality should be maintained for developed product otherwise it’s not worth to waste budget for it. Each product require quality and to produce product with quality it’s require Quality assurance and Quality Control. Some understand that its same thing but it’s different, so it’s important to understand the difference between two. Quality assurance is Process oriented, Preventing bugs and Quality control is Product oriented, Identifying bugs.

Quality Assurance:

Quality Assurance is the part of quality management. Quality Assurance process performs before the product development and quality control to ensure quality for the product to be developed. As stated above its related to bugs preventing during development. Quality Assurance team ensures to follow Project management policies, templates or any defined parameters by project manager during project execution. This process not include any coding or development rather than its find out weakness from the process to improve the performance. It make plan to do project process in better way.

Quality Control:

Quality Control process is to identify the bugs in product as its Product oriented. After product development Quality Control process is to find out bugs in the product by reviewing and testing it with any tools to ensure its quality. Quality Control department checks the product against criteria defined by Quality Assurance team with the use of different test cases. Validation checking, software testing are the Quality Control processes. If any defects find during testing they arise them as an issue so again development team can check it.

Both, Quality Assurance and Quality Control departments try to improve quality of the product. Quality assurance persons try to prevent defect before product developed and Quality control persons identify defects after product developed to fix. It require continuous quality control process to find out in depth bugs so it help to improve quality and performance of the product.

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