Saturday, February 13, 2016

Deal with unhappy clients

Project Manager has responsibility to start and end the project in success. Project manager has to deal with different types of peoples during the project. Project Manager has to manage successful channel between client and team to drive project towards success. Project Manager has to take so many decisions during project execution for successful project completion.

In Project, it’s very important sometime to have some appreciation for the work or some milestone achievement. It will encourage you very deeply to get ready for other challenge strongly. But, some client is very unappreciative. They never say any good thing about you or the team despite of so many hard work done by your team for the project and achieve required output. You as a Project manager always try to make them happy but they never come into point or thinking with appreciation way. Some clients use abusive words also and after all the understandings by you still they continue to demand out of scope things and never think about scope anyway.

As a project Manager, don’t take it personal way. Think it’s all your job and you are doing it as a responsibility of project. When you have to deal this type of client, you have to think about client like how this client is doing payment to your company or how much work they are assigning to you? Since how long they are working with you?  Sometimes to maintain unhappy client these all questions needs to be answered to yourself and then you can deal as per situation with them.

First of all I think listen them carefully and try to understand their approach that why they are unhappy or what is issue made them unhappy? Clear your points towards that issue and try to list down their points. As a Project manager, you can apologize for any high issue if it’s not taken care by you. Be polite and calm at that situation and tell them your approach to solve that issue. Try to find out best solution on which you and client both can agree. Try to be always in touch with them regarding issue resolve matter or any other approach require. Be honest and quick in this type of situation to make it resolve and try to avoid it next time.

To sum up, think as a representative of company to manage projects and handle clients, don’t take it personally. You can use all your possible and best ways to manage this type of clients to avoid unnecessary bad situations. You can take other’s opinions also if necessary to handle them or answer them in correct manner.


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